Organization & Geological Information Systems
Mineral Policy Formulation & Evaluation
Development of Plans, Programs & Projects
Flow of Funds Engineering
Evaluation of Plans, Programs & Projects
Cost & Benefit Analysis Methods & Models
Market Studies & Research & Competitive Analysis
Identification of Business Opportunities
Promotion of Investment Opportunities & Road Show
Auctions & Bids
Economics of Exploration & Options Contracts
Exploration Agreements & Joint-Ventures
Economic, Social, Financial & Legal Audits
Due Diligence
Computer Modeling & Quantitative Techniques
Education & Training
Eduardo Vale, D.Sc, is Director and Principal Partner. BAMBURRA - Planejamento & Economia Mineral is a Brazilian consulting company specialized in mineral economics, strategic planning services, and research for private sector and public entities. Dr. Vale is an economist specialized in mineral economics. He has 39 years of experience in the mining industry. Since 1986, he has been working as a full time independent consultant in mineral economics. In 1993, he founded BAMBURRA Ltda. Before that, Dr. Vale was a government officer specialized in the mineral sector at the Planning Ministry (1978-1985) and at the Mining and Energy Ministry (1972-1978). He holds a Doctorate in Science (D.Sc) from the University of Campinas, Geoscience Institute.
In the government level, it deserves to remark the following entities: DNPM, CPRM, SMM/MME, CODEG (GO), SGM (BA), CBPM (BA), Secretaria de Planejamento de Mato Grosso, BIRD, CYTED, UNESCO, Consulado Geral do Canadá no Rio de Janeiro, CETEM and JOGMEC.